Io Project Media Content Packages
Io Project Media offers a range of content packages designed to meet the diverse needs of brands. Our packages are structured to provide high-quality video and photography services, social media management, and strategic support, ensuring your brand stands out in the market. Below, we present four comprehensive packages tailored for various levels of engagement and budgets.
Launch Package
Video Production
3 professionally-produced social media videos.
20 professional photos (studio or lifestyle).
Social Media Management
Monthly content calendar, 2 posts per week, and basic community management.
Strategy and Production
1 initial strategy session, 1 day of shooting, and 3-7 days editing turnaround.
Sneak peak of our work
Orbit Package
Video and Photo Production
6 professionally-produced social media videos and 40 professional photos (studio, lifestyle, or events).
Social Media Management
Bi-weekly content calendar, 3 posts per week, and advanced community management.
Events and Strategy
1 event coverage per month (photos and short video) and 1 monthly strategy session.
Production Details
2 half-days of shooting and 5-10 days editing turnaround.
Moon Package
Content Creation
9 professionally-produced social media videos and 60 professional photos (studio, lifestyle, or events).
Social Media and Events
Weekly content calendar, 4 posts per week, full community management, and 2 event coverages per month (photos and short videos).
Strategy and Production
2 monthly strategy sessions, 3 days of shooting, 5-15 days editing turnaround, and monthly performance reviews and strategy adjustments.
Sneak peak of our work
Mars Package


Extensive Content Creation
12+ professionally-produced social media videos and 80 professional photos (studio, lifestyle, or events).


Comprehensive Social Media Management
Comprehensive content calendar, daily posts, and premium community management.


Enhanced Event Coverage and Strategy
3 event coverages per month (photos and short videos) and monthly strategy sessions.


Extended Production and Additional Services
4 days of shooting, 7-20 days editing turnaround, monthly performance reviews, strategy adjustments, and influencer collaborations.
Package Comparison
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Ready to elevate your brand? Contact us today to discuss how we can create captivating visual content tailored to your needs. Visit for more information.